Class LineGraph.GapStrategy

Enclosing class:

public static class LineGraph.GapStrategy extends Object
  • Field Details

    • fillGaps

      public final boolean fillGaps
    • acceptableGapMs

      public final long acceptableGapMs
    • diffToFirstGapPointMs

      public final long diffToFirstGapPointMs
    • fillFrequencyMs

      public final long fillFrequencyMs
    • fillWith

      public final Double fillWith
  • Constructor Details

    • GapStrategy

      public GapStrategy(boolean fillGaps, long acceptableGapMs, long diffToFirstGapPointMs, long fillFrequencyMs, Double fillWith)
      Create a GapStrategy.
      fillGaps - true/false, should the gaps in data be filled with something?
      acceptableGapMs - How many milliseconds is acceptable between points before filling in points.
      diffToFirstGapPointMs - How many milliseconds to last data point are added to add first filler point.
      fillFrequencyMs - How many milliseconds should be added after each filler point.
      fillWith - Data value for the fill, null for no data, value for some data.