ClassDescriptionPatch that resets AFK time of sessions with afk time of length of the session to 0.Patch that removes player IPs that were gathered as join address on Fabric.Patch to fix incorrect register dates for nukkit.Patch that removes plan_commandusages table.Corrects database charset and collation.Patch that replaces plan_ips with plan_geolocations table.Adds disk usage information to tps table.Patch to add 'show_in_players_table' to 'plan_extension_providers'Increases the length of Strings in extension strings to 250 to avoid cutoffs and exceptions.Adds format_1 to _5 fields to plan_extension_tables table.Adds values_for field to plan_extension_tablesIncreases the length of Strings in extension tables to 250 to avoid cutoffs and exceptions.Adds last_used field to the geolocation table.Replaces user_id foreign keys with user_uuid fields in geolocation table.Replaces killer_id, victim_id and server_id foreign keys with respective uuid fields in kills table.Adds server_id field to kills table.Adds permission level based permission groups to group table.Adds linked_to_uuid field to plan_security table that stores web users.Populates new linked_to_uuid field with the uuid of a username (same as minecraft name) or 'console'.Removes invalid data caused by issue #1355.Adds last_seen to nickname table by populating it with the data in actions table, and removes the actions table.Replaces user_id and server_id foreign keys with respective uuid fields in nickname table.Replaces uuid and server_uuid with foreign keys in ping table.Changes register dates on networks to the smallest number found in the database.Takes care of data without foreign keys that is missing the foreign key target in plan_servers.Takes care of data without foreign keys that is missing the foreign key target in plan_users.Sets username fields to NULL in plan_access_log table.Replaces permission_level with group_id to plan_security table.Adds id to plan_security if it is not yet there.Adds a is_proxy field to remove technical debt assuming name field "BungeeCord" being the proxy.Adds afk_time field to sessions table.Adds join_address_id to plan_sessions, and populates latest session rows with value from plan_user_info.Replaces user_id and server_id foreign keys with respective uuid fields in sessions table.Removes plan_transfer table, used for transferring html in the database.Adds missing web permissions to the permission table.Make sure hostname can be null.Patch to add 'hostname' to 'plan_user_info'Replaces user_id and server_id foreign keys with respective uuid fields in user info table.Table schema change patch for version 4.0.0 to support BungeeCord servers.Removes the table schema versioning table.Adds admin group back to the database if user accidentally deletes it.Adds default groups to plan_web_group table.Replaces server_id foreign keys with server_uuid field in world table.Adds server_id field to worlds table.Replaces server_id foreign keys with server_uuid field in world times table.Adds server_id field to world times table.